Donate now.

Every contribution counts, gives hope and joy!

100% of your donation reaches the project.

Please state the “project name” in the comment field (“Zweck”), otherwise your donation supports We Care. We Share. directly.

Our projects:

Support the people in Ukraine” 
3 CHF = provide a simple meal
5 CHF = SIM card to communicate with relatives
12 CHF = a bus transport for one person

Access to clean water in Burkina Faso, Africa
5 CHF = provide 1 week drinking water for a family
20 CHF = provide  1 month drinking water for a family
60 CHF = provide 1 year drinking water for 1 person

Give a smile at Kinderspital Zürich
5 CHF = give a smile on the face of every child in a shared room
20 CHF = give good feeling during an operation-related measure
260 CHF = give a recurring ray of hope to a child suffering from leukemia 

Animals in Ukraine rescued and now in Hungary
2.00 CHF = food costs for one dog per day
8.00 CHF = cost of vaccinating a dog
500.00 CHF = total fuel costs for one truck dog transport Hungary – Ukraine and back 

Or support us directly and fill out “WeCare” in the “Zweck”-field. Thank you!

The above figures are real examples from the individual projects. Donations are used according to the most urgent needs, based on the project measures described on the projects’ websites.

Donate through direct bank transfer 
Donation account:
UBS AG, CH- 8001 Zurich
IBAN: CH39 0022 5225 1264 8401 W
Account holder:
We Care. We Share.
CH- 8704 Herrliberg

THANK YOU.